We're getting ready for the Preschool Art Show and Silent Auction!
Hello Suzuki families,
We have all been so limited in gathering, but gradually the teachers are getting vaccinated. After both shots are administered, full immunity will develop in the following two weeks. As the science is still in progress, it is not yet known if an immunized person can still possibly be contagious. We are closely monitoring the information.
We are so happy to report that since the Suzuki Preschool opened on July 6th, no preschool child has developed COVID-19 through attending our program. The Preschool staff have been doing a terrific job working with the children and following all the health protocols as recommended. Our biggest thanks goes to Deb Leary and all the hardworking and caring teachers!
With the beautiful spring weather of the past few days, we are looking forward to the spring Preschool Art Show: Great Art by Little Artists. This show is being held on Sunday, May 2nd and will be mostly outdoors. Come see the fantastic work these students have done. Here are a few photos from the last in-person art show we had in 2019 when the Suzuki Preschool was still at Temple Reyim. I hope you recognize the artists the preschoolers have been studying!
In addition we are raising funds through a silent auction for the Marlene Lerer Preschool Fund. As you know, the music and preschool programs believe in diversity and inclusion. This means, we endeavor each year to fund families who do not have the economic means to attend our programs. We believe that as an entire Suzuki community, we can support the ML Preschool Fund and be able to ensure bright futures for children of all backgrounds. As research has proven, a quality preschool like ours ensures a better transition to public school education. A child learns focus, phonics, music and math while attending the Suzuki Preschool. These skills when entering kindergarten allow our graduates to excel and be among the children who have learned to follow instructions, sit quietly and love music and art! Please consider donating an item for our silent auction -- contact Deb Leary at teachdebperry@gmail.com to learn how to donate to our fundraising auction.
Our Suzuki School of Newton is dependent upon enrollment in order for us to meet the costs of our new building and pay the teachers well. Please spread the word that our Suzuki Preschool has openings currently, for the summer camps and for next year! We expect individual music lesson teaching to resume in person in the next few months. Please tell your friends and neighbors to enroll!
For the Suzuki Preschool, contact Deb Leary: teachdebperry@gmail.com and for the music school, Christina Tavella: christina@suzukinewton.org.
See you all... coming soon!
Sachiko Isihara
Executive Director