Can you support the Suzuki School of Newton?

Our school's year end appeal letter went into your mailboxes this week.

I recently asked Board member Barrie Wheeler why she gives so generously to the Suzuki School of Newton. She told me that not only does she realize that tuition only provides the very basics of what our school needs, she also believes in supporting the scholarship fund.

"We are a family with relative financial security. While we have many unknowns, like saving for college and retirement, we are able to use our disposable income to give generously to organizations we are a part of. We believe it is our responsibility to support the teachers in the preschool and music school so that we can be a part of non-profit organizations that provide a living wage to the teachers and staff. I try to give each year to support all that."

She sends us this message: "As you consider making your gift to the summer annual fund, please know that tuition only covers a portion of our operating budget. In order for us to provide scholarships to students who cannot afford the tuition, make improvements to the building that are necessary or hold concerts and community building events, we rely on donations from our friends and supporters. Our tuition only provides the very basics of what our school needs and we hope that you will consider a donation to the fullest extent possible to help our program grow and flourish." --Barrie Wheeler

Thank you to all who have so generously sustained the Suzuki School of Newton in the past. We hope you all might consider a gift with our current appeal.

Sachiko Isihara

Sachiko Isihara is the Executive Director of the Suzuki School of Newton.


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