Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

Why Advocacy Matters

Part of our role as citizens is to improve the quality of life in our community.  This is an important aspect of our Suzuki philosophy. Sharing our music with others,contributing to society in a meaningful way, building self-respect and respect for others--are all part of our learning philosophy.  As a part of our role in society, we can also understand the importance of advocacy to our elected officials to make their votes in the legislature count towards the principles we value.

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

The Gift of Volunteering

In our role as Suzuki teachers, we are responsible for nurturing our students to develop their abilities and to teach them how to learn.  We do this by teaching our students to make beautiful music, an ability that is commonly thought of coming from innate talent. Dr. Suzuki said, that talent is "extreme ability" which every child can achieve by practicing small steps and putting in the work.  He even said that ability comes with repetitions of 10,000 times.  This kind of dedication develops perseverance but also self esteem.  This comes because the student hears the results of their work in solo recitals, book graduations, outreach concerts, and even in playing in our tour group, In Harmony. These successes build the confidence to look at difficult tasks as surmountable if an approach of small steps, repetition, and perseverance is utilized. 

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

Staying Home. (1/3/25)

In a world that seems to be only speeding up, perhaps taking the time to slow down is a healthy and luxurious opportunity. Just being able to go for a walk with my dog before it gets dark is good exercise and clears the head. During these cold winter days, I highly recommend trying not to overschedule. Allowing ourselves the time to practice our instruments, share time together, and get enough sleep is perhaps the biggest gift of all.  

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

Winter is Here! (12/20/24)

When we think of the meaning of the holidays, there is the idea of bringing light into a darker world. The light brought by the Star of David or the North star are also strong symbols. We light candles at Chanukah, Christmas Advent, and Kwanzaa.  The symbolism of light is also celebrated with fireworks and sparklers---always in bringing the concept of light into our existence and awareness. Light not only physically brightens us, but as a metaphor, it can mean bringing us knowledge and wisdom. 

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

Music and Dissonance (12/13/24)

As we teach our Suzuki music students to play by ear, many piano students are unknowingly affected by the occurrence of dissonance. An example of this is in m. 11 of French Children's Song, the 6th piece in Book 1.  In this measure on the 4th quarter note, there is a minor 7th between the Left Hand sol (G) and the Right Hand fa (F).  If the teacher points out this particular moment, and the student hears the dissonance and learns that it is intentional by the composer, the measure is learned smoothly.  Without this awareness of dissonance, many students stumble in this measure. Children hear the dissonance and consciously or subconsciously try to avoid the dissonance and thus, play the wrong notes. The presence of dissonance is a learning moment.

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

How Time Flies! (12-6-24)

When playing a piece of music, it happens in "real time"---what an expression!  This means that the experience happens in the "here and now" and not as a recording to be listened to whenever one wants. It gives options to listen repeatedly or even stop in the middle and continue later. I find the perception of time is affected by one's emotions.  When a performer gets ready to perform, often the heartrate is increased, and the tempo of a piece speeds up accordingly.  Experienced performers know how to account for this and practice to ensure an appropriate tempo of the piece even under the stress of performing. This is part of the preparation we do when we teach students how to prepare for a recital especially their solo performances. To the nervous performer, tempos seem to be slower, so they tend to play much faster than their "normal" tempo.

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

The Effects of Giving (11-27-24)

As educators we know that sometimes we may say something and although the student may hear what we say, if the individual is not really listening, then the information is not being received. As music teachers, we are teaching music mostly be ear[-the teacher demonstrates and the student listens]because it has been proven to be highly effective in learning music where the concentration and focus of the student is on the sound they hear.  Then when the student is asked to reproduce the sound that was heard, many different senses become activated.  The student activates what he heard, what he felt, what he saw, and lastly what he understood intellectually as the way to imitate the teacher.  If we spend too much time explaining what we are doing, then the student often is no longer listening. To go even further, the importance of listening to recordings allows the student to reinforce this pathway of hearing music and by listening to it, activating multiple senses that will then facilitate learning the new piece.

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

Tenacity and Patience (11-15-24)

Have you ever felt like your child is just stubborn?  I have come to learn that some of our most seemingly uncooperative students are actually some of our most persistent, dedicated and successful students as they reach their teenage years.  One of the challenges of being a parent is understanding how a chlld's resistance behavior is actually a good sign!  A child who is persistent and not easily swayed from their opinions often have a sense of determination and are often absorbed by the task that occupies them.  Hence, when we steer that child away from their activity, we are interrupting that sense of determination.  When we tell a child, it is time to leave for school or for another event, we expect compliance and an immediate response.  We call that "cooperation."  However, an individual who resists this can be 'in the middle of something' and they want to finish it.  When we, as adults, are interrupting and hurrying our children, students, or subordinates, we may be undermining that individual's penchant for perseverance.  That is, we may be undoing a characteristic we value, by rushing from one activity to another and by overscheduling.  Allowing the student to work at their own pace may lead to better focus and attention in each activity.  If we moderate our own behavior, we may need to be more patient and allow for the transition time necessary to complete one task before embarking upon another.

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

What is the difference between Suzuki pedagogy and typical Classical music lessons? (11/15/24)

What makes Suzuki pedagogy different from other music methods, is the bond that teachers build with their students and families.  Suzuki teachers are very dedicated to teaching tthe whole child, not just music. Thus, their effect on supporting parents and supporting home practice and its environment is key to the success of Suzuki learning.  This is also present in our Suzuki Preschool.  Our teachers already are there to model positive behaviors and responses in the developing child.  They work step by step through new skills with patience and repetition.  All students are encouraged to respect themselves and each other.  Through this environment the student may grow and gain confidence even before they start kindergarten. 

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

What is a Rondo? (11-8-24)

Perhaps we can say that our lives are in rondo form. We have a main theme that resonates with us as our 'home key" and is filled by our core values such as family, religion, learning, and maybe music. We then divert our lives into other areas or interests such as traveling, learning a new sport, etc. We must always prioritize our core values and return to them in order to feel at home and authentic to ourselves.  This is our return to our personal "A section".  We may have different periods of our lives where we venture off into new areas, new careers, and new experiences, but we must continue to return to what is truly essential in our lives.

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Suzuki Newton Suzuki Newton

Today is the beginning of Diwali!

In the young child, every step along the path of learning how to play an instrument can be akin to going to a playground or taking a gymnastics class. Each lesson is a discovery. We set the tone of the environment for the child, and the expert Suzuki teacher guides the student step by step towards making their first sound on the instrument.  If a child were at the playground, the experience of going down the slide might be scary.   We guide the child to climb the stairs or we even climb alongside the child.  We hold their hand, we guide them down, and we catch them at the bottom with cheers and a smile.  This step by step is essential in building the confidence of the child to learn new things.  It is also the same step-by-step we offer in Suzuki lessons.

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

How Do We Measure Achievement?

We can be sensitive to students' learning needs and styles, but the main goal is guiding them through a process that allows them to succeed at complex skills, like playing an instrument or tying shoelaces. When a student realizes their success, it brings joy to learning. Progress is gradual, and we should celebrate accomplishments. The Suzuki Book graduation is a celebration of hard work, not merely a way to say, "I finished a Suzuki book in one year." Slow progress, especially through Book One, lays the foundation for learning.

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

Creating Something from Nothing (10/18/25)

Music is like this, too.  We teach our students that they can create beautiful tone one note at a time.  From silence we play our first note. Dr. Suzuki teaches that we must play this one note beautifully, with our hearts and from our inner humanity.  We do not seek to play lots of notes moving our fingers technically and proficiently without the spirit that comes from inside us.  Dr. Suzuki said "Beautiful heart, beautiful tone."  As Suzuki teachers we value the student as a person first.  We need to educate our students to have a good heart, to be kind, to be respectful, to care for one another as priorities.  From there, we can play beautiful music.  We repeat the work of our pieces in very small details and subtleties that go beyond just the notes. We must take time in this process so that the music can be felt deeply and without technical barriers.  "The real essence of art turned out to be not something high up and far off--it was right inside my ordinary daily self.  If a musician wants to become a finer artist, he must first become a finer person." - Dr. Shinichi Suzuki (Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, Waltraud Suzuki (1983). “Nurtured by Love: The Classic Approach to Talent Education”, p.82, Alfred Music.)


In our Musicianship program, students learn the basics of ear training, note reading, music theory, and composition. Recently I have heard from a few parents that they are so excited because their children are writing their own music!  It is truly the epitome of creating something from nothing. When a student learns to write their own music, it is their own inner being released through the expression of their music.


Happy Birthday, Dr. Suzuki!

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

Let’s Sing Together!

To have the ability to sing, we must realize the vocal cords for singing are actually a muscle. We have two vocal cords that are very thin, and by using them, we learn how to sing.  This fall we have started our Suzuki Voice Department with two excellent teachers, Rose Hegele and Nicholas Ford.  Moreover, we want all students to sing!  We want them to sing in Musicianship class, in their lessons, and at home!  As a child, I would sing American folk songs while my mother played the piano.  We want to celebrate the joy that singing can bring, but also develop better musicians by requiring them to sing.  All persons learn how to speak using their vocal cords.  It only takes a little more training, to learn how to sing---and what  a wonderful way to take part in a very human connection with our peers, our families, and our community.

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Suzuki Newton Suzuki Newton

Practice only on the days you sleep!

Sleep is very important to us. It is important for well-being and learning.  During these times that our society is faced with many challenges, I have noticed the high stress level around me. Due to our very busy schedules and the very busy schedules of our children, people are not getting enough sleep. This is not productive in the long run, because not only is the work quality going to go down, it will also take longer. It will not be as efficient because the memory process is being hindered by lack of sleep. Similar to my laptop that slows down when the memory is full, we human beings slow down when we are tired. 

During these days when sunlight is lessened and days are shortening, it is the best time to think about getting more sleep. We need to take advantage of breaks and rather than plan more activities, think about our own well being and that of our children by getting more sleep.

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

Be a fan!

If music becomes the environment in which our children live, they will feel the natural draw to pick up the instrument and make the sounds that they have learned and play the pieces they have accomplished. We use the term "review" in our Suzuki lessons, but what we really want is for our students to enjoy the repertoire they have learned and make music with these pieces because they have been mastered. If they share this music daily with those around them, they learn how to better communicate through music. 

 We adults must become the fans of our students' music--eager and enthusiastic to hear their songs over and over again. I like to describe the important role of the Suzuki parent for their child, is really being the "cheerleader" and not the coach. As a cheerleader, if our team has a set-back, they are the ones who encourage the players to keep trying, to pick themselves up and keep going!

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

Music Exists in Time and Space

Music takes up time and space.  The sounds we hear are vibrations that pass through the air in real time.  The notes on the page are like dots on a graph and going from the first note to the last note in a composition takes up time.  If one only has 24 hours in a day, then some minutes of that day should be allocated to music. While we can listen to music while doing other things (like doing homework or driving in a car) practicing takes complete focus and takes time.  If we are learning a 3 minutes piece and play it perfectly 5 times in a row, it will take up a minimum of 15 minutes.  If we are practicing a piece and make mistakes, then we have to start over, fix the mistake, and practice small spots several times. In this case, practicing takes 30 minutes.  That is, we need 15 minutes to do the small parts and then another 15 minutes to be able to play through pieces just to see if the working piece can be played smoothly. The rest of the time one should play their review pieces so that playing is enjoyable and smooth. These 30 minutes can be longer or shorter depending upon the individual's level, but they are necessary to be programmed into the day.  If a person is also listening daily to the music they are learning, the practicing is more efficient and will take up less time.

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

Being Happy

As parents, do we also think it is okay for our children to just "be happy"?

‘Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.’ – Guillaume Apollinaire

As parents, we are concerned to give our children the best education, the best skills, so that they can pursue good careers and make a living so that they can be happy, not struggle, not worry about the future and essentially, become happy.  But as the quote implies, I believe we must allow ourselves and our children to be in the present moment and just experience happiness.


In a Suzuki lesson there is a moment in the lesson where we play through a piece.  It is a moment when the student, the parent, and the teacher can be happy because the student has come so far.  The journey is never over, but appreciating and being happy in that moment is an important part of the Suzuki lesson. I try to take a moment when we play through a piece and then make a positive comment without asking for anything more. We know that improving our music is an ongoing process and that our pieces can have more things to work on. In my Suzuki training, I learned it was also important to simply show the joy of the music and not add more corrections as a part of the daily lesson or practice. Showing encouragement will result in more practicing.  Giving suggestions for improvement can lead to less enthusiasm to practicing if not accompanied by a moment in the session when only praise--specific positive feedback--is given.

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

Exercise and Exercises

Do we sometimes skip exercising? Finding self-motivation can be hard, and  some exercises, like running, are better with a partner or a group. Do we sometimes skip warming-up with Twinkle Variations and our bow hold exercises? I hope not, as these are so important to be part of our daily routine. While we are very eager to practice the newest piece and advance towards the end of the book, we need to realize that "exercising" and feeling the exchange of oxygen as we play our learned pieces leads to greater freedom. Using our muscles and our time to enjoy the ease with which we can play our learned repertoire is like going out for that easy jog in the morning. It helps us connect to our bodies and gets our blood flowing. We come back from our walk or run, ready to face the activity and challenges of the day.

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Sachiko Isihara Sachiko Isihara

Life’s Interconnections (6/7/24)

Attending this event, where the attendees are not the same professionals with whom I usually interact, brings this perspective clearly into view. While one hears questions asking how we can support more housing, better transportation and reducing carbon emissions and global warming, one worries that asking for funding to support childcare costs and free concerts may be a lost cause. I know the cultural sector alone is a $25.8 billion industry in the state of Massachusetts. That is larger than the real estate industry. The benefits of a strong cultural sector are not limited to the performing, visual, and literary arts: culture also attracts tourism to the area, boosts spending at hotels and restaurants, and similarly strengthens retail business. Culture supports 4.6 million jobs, and payroll is the Suzuki School of Newton's single largest expense. And yet, funding for the arts is usually the first to be cut. This is not only true for government funding and private donations, but also for school budgets and in family spending.

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