Staying Home. (1/3/25)
Welcome back to the restart of Suzuki School lessons and classes and the routine of our busy lives. How was your vacation?
As I pass people in the hallways and exchange "Happy New Year!" greetings, we also talk about our holidays and activities. How nice it is
to travel to warmer places or visit relatives whom we do not see often because of the distance between our homes. Our December break
was a little longer than usual because of the placement of both Christmas and New Year's on Wednesdays that break up the entire week.
We were fortunate to have this additional time off.
For me, I like to enjoy this time of year by staying home. This is shared by many who are like minded! The chance to stay home allows me to
do the normal daily routines without feeling rushed. Preparing a meal, baking cookies, having a conversation are all so much more enjoyable without feeling rushed. I spent several extra days with my aging mother who needed some extra help. We could work on a jig saw puzzle or listen to music together. I had time to practice and she listened to me play. These are memorable moments that I will cherish.
In a world that seems to be only speeding up, perhaps taking the time to slow down is a healthy and luxurious opportunity. Just being able to go for a walk with my dog before it gets dark is good exercise and clears the head. During these cold winter days, I highly recommend trying not to overschedule. Allowing ourselves the time to practice our instruments, share time together, and get enough sleep is perhaps the biggest gift of all.
Happy New Year!
Thank you to all who have participated in our "Beautiful Hearts" annual appeal! We are so grateful for your generosity. It is not too late for you to still consider a gift as we strive to reach our annual goal of $150,000.