How Are You Doing?


Thank you to the parents who attended my first Virtual Coffee this past Monday. It was so nice to get to know a few of you better and hear your questions about practicing and the Suzuki learning experience at home. I believe we were able to delve deeply into your questions, and I look forward to doing this again. Many thanks to Bekka Eowind and Jamie Siglar who offered their perspectives as string faculty and a veteran Suzuki parent, respectively.

The Suzuki Board members and I are embarking upon a "listening tour" to hear how you are all doing. Not only is this a way for us to hear what is working and what needs improving, but we can also get to know you and let you get to know who serves on the Suzuki Board of Directors for this 2020-21 school year. Our faculty representative on the Suzuki Board includes Bekka Eowind and Preschool Director Debra Leary (née Perry). Please do not be surprised by a phone call, email, or a zoom invite to chat with one of our Suzuki Board members or me! We currently have 18 members on the Suzuki Board, and you can view the full list here.

The Suzuki Board has been extremely active. We are developing a committee structure, revising our by-laws and handbooks, and developing a strategic plan for the future of the Suzuki School of Newton. We have engaged consultants Empower Success Corps to lead us through this process, and the key project team will include Strategic Planning chair Bonny Boatman, Board chair Anitha Gopalan, Bekka Eowind (music), Walter Perry (preschool), myself, and the ESC team of about four consultants. They will be reaching out to Board, staff, parents, community members, and other non-profits for perspective regarding the Suzuki School of Newton. We hope to learn much through this process.

I am looking forward to another weekend of in-person group classes. This Saturday we have guitar groups and on Sunday another round of violin groups. My piano groups met the past couple of weekends, and I know the other teachers are reaching out to you to figure out the best dates to do this. It is all weather dependent as most classes are being held outside, and the indoor classes must keep the windows open (even if there's rain or cold weather). Hence we are trying to do this now.

In addition, we are continuing a series of Virtual events! Please mark your calendars for a Zoom version of Spooky Suzuki on Friday, October 30th at 6:30 pm, our Faculty Concert on November 15th, and for the virtual Solo Recitals. We are looking for sponsors to help underwrite the costs of these events.

As always, you can call the school office 617-964-4522, Monday through Friday to speak to Operations Manager William Schuller. We are here to listen.


Sachiko Isihara

Sachiko Isihara is the Executive Director of the Suzuki School of Newton.


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